TODOS PELO FUTEBOL is a platform designed for football fans to connect with their favorite club. Football is a theme that involvesmuch passion, especially for Brazilians. Based on the idea that the platform brings fans together in a space that will be primarily viewed on mobile screens, we decided to merge these two concepts, considering that for the fan, the view of the field is always from above.

Thus, we have the fan's view of the field, from above, within a mobile screen, forming the platform's logo. The chosen colors, with a predominance of orange, represent enthusiasm, fascination, joy, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation—everything present in football fan communities.

To the human eye, orange is a very warm color, which gives a sense of warmth. The color is also absent from the uniforms of most football clubs, ensuring that the platform can be enjoyed by everyone without favoritism.

Client ■■■

Todos pelo Futebol

Service ■■■

  • Brand Identity
  • Website
  • Launch Video

Year ■■■

  • 2022


Selling football and technology while trying to avoid favoritism!

TODOS PELO FUTEBOL is a technology company that uses its apps to connect the most passionate fans with their favorite clubs. Thus, our challenge was to create a design that would be easily recognized as related to football. At the same time, we needed to make it clear that it was an app (actually, one for each fan). The concept features a football field viewed from above, which is the fan's perspective, in the shape of a mobile phone.

Colors were also a challenge: after all, we couldn't, at least for the main brand, use colors that directly referenced a football club, as it might generate hostility from rival fans. Our research indicated that orange was a color not used by most Brazilian football clubs. Therefore, we chose it.

Todos Pelo Futebol
Todos Pelo Futebol
Todos Pelo Futebol
Todos Pelo Futebol
Todos Pelo Futebol

   S   SITE

The design of the Todos pelo Futebol landing page serves as a hub for the brand's other apps. In other words, the website is not the company's main product, but rather the apps for each club, such as the Sou Santista app for Santos F.C. fans. Therefore, we used the same color palette, neutral in relation to the clubs' colors, so that the brand is seen as welcoming to all national football clubs. 



We also had the opportunity to create the brand's launch video, which helps to better understand the concept and proposal brought by Todos Pelo Futebol. In the video, we aimed to capture the fan's passion for their club, with crowd sounds in the background, and to highlight this passion as the real driving force of a football club, thereby offering the service.


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