Our agency had the pleasure of collaborating with the 40emais portal in the creation and execution of the digital marketing campaign for the 'Transforming Ideas into Businesses' event. The event, aimed at entrepreneursof all levels, was carefully designed to provide practical insights and strategic guidance on how to turn ideas into profitable and sustainable businesses.

The topics covered in the presentations included:

Transforming your entrepreneurial idea into a profitable and sustainable business, with Antônio Alves, who provided practical tools for those seeking to make their project viable and expand it.
Protecting and valuing your brand and intellectual property, with Carmem Monteiro, focusing on the importance of legal protection and brand recognition.

Building a strong online presence and reaching your target audience in the digital world, with Márcio Cabral, who demonstrated how to stand out and reach new audiences in the digital landscape.
Learning to self-promote and communicate your value proposition with confidence and authenticity, with Michelle Prado, who taught effective and authentic communication techniques

The purpose of the event was to empower entrepreneurs with the knowledge needed to overcome market challenges, strengthen their brands, and grow sustainably. Through these presentations, we aimed to provide not only information but also inspiration and support for those facing the daily battle of entrepreneurship in Brazil.

Client ■■■


Service ■■■

  • Advertising Campaign

Year ■■■

  • 2023


As a key part of the event's promotion strategy, our agency developed a dedicated landing page that not only showcased the event but also added value for the user from the very first contact. The landing page was carefully designed to reflect the professionalism of the event and to facilitate the user's journey, from discovering the presentations to purchasing tickets.


   V  IDEO

For the event promotion, our agency produced a dynamic and engaging video, with the main goal of capturing the attention of entrepreneurs from various backgrounds. O vídeo foi concebido para ressoar com o público-alvo, desde os pequenos empreendedores até os líderes de grandes negócios, destacando a realidade desafiadora do empreendedor brasileiro e a importância de se manter resiliente.

O vídeo enfatizou a batalha constante que os empreendedores enfrentam para manter e expandir seus negócios em um ambiente competitivo e cheio de incertezas. Com uma narrativa inspiradora, imagens impactantes e uma trilha sonora motivadora, conseguimos captar a essência do evento e transmitir a mensagem de que, independentemente do porte do negócio, há sempre novas estratégias e conhecimentos que podem fazer a diferença.

A peça foi veiculada em plataformas digitais e redes sociais, gerando engajamento significativo e atraindo um público diversificado para o evento, reforçando a importância do empreendedorismo e da capacitação contínua.


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